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Our Demo needs playing and if you could spare a minute to test, I will be so happy.…

If you have a game, or something you would like feedback on, please let me know and I will help you in return.

New Patch 1.3.8 EA Beta out now!

wtf, how did they know??


Wasn't what I wanted bird boi to do, but it looked it kinda cool

The creation of the game is 50% complete!

A Game Tale of Creation and Farewell
Game demo link: on a heartfelt narrative as I recount my journey of creation and ultimately, depa...

Cut from my recently released game on the unreal engine

took me 2 weeks but i added a new lizard man enemy to my game (the reason 2 weeks is cuz im only home on weekends RN,i would have finished him in like a week or less)

Survive and Slash - New Lizard Man Enemy
New Lizard Man Enemy for my game4 attack moves, also 50% chance of evading attacks when being striked on ground